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Wolfgang Hierl
Salary Partner, Lawyer, Specialised Lawyer for Construction and Architectural Law
Business Sectors: Construction, Infrastructure
HFK Rechtsanwälte
Maximilianstraße 29
80539 Munich
T +49 89 2919 3012
F +49 89 2919 3022
E hierl@hfk.de
- Long-standing legal activity in construction law, especially public construction law
- Focus on economic solutions
Key Expertise
- Providing legal advice and representation to building contractors, investors, and third parties, in public planning and construction law
- Providing expert opinion on matters regulated by public law
- Legal proceedings in the administrative and civil courts
- Lawyer at HFK Rechtsanwälte Heiermann Franke Knipp & Partner mbB, since 2017
- Lawyer at Eversheds Sutherland (Germany) mbB, practice group: construction law, from 2009 to 2017
- Lawyer at Dr. Jockisch Rechtsanwalts-GmbH, from 2006 to 2009
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht (German Construction Law Association)
- Regular lecturing activity at the Bavarian Architects Chambers
- Lectures at the Bar Association in Munich
- Lectures as part of the BIM-Management Ausbildung für Mensch und Maschine Deutschland GmbH(BIM Management Training for Human and Machine)
- Beitrag zur Festschrift für Herrn Prof. Dr. Kainz: BIM - Planen und Bauen digital - Das Recht als Hemmschuh des Fortschritts?
- (Contribution to the commemorative publication for Professor Dr Kainz: BIM – Digital Planning and Construction – Law as the Impediment to Progress?)